Tag: SF X Tekken | DestroyRepeat


GamesCom 2012 Street Fighter x Tekken Montages and Videos

GamesCom 2012 was this past week. The event took place between August 15th to 19th, so it’s actually on-going right now. Some people have gotten their hands on with the PlayStation Vita version of Street Fighter x Tekken. If you’d […]


More Street Fighter x Tekken PlayStation Vita features arrives

With SFxTekken heading to PSVita rather soon, I’ve decided to bring you news that’s been popping up since June. The first one is about Street Fighter x Tekken’s cinematic trailer that tells you more about the story of SFxTekken. Christie […]


New Fighters revealed for PlayStation Vita

Over the weekend, Capcom held their annual event centered around revealing their newest games. At Captivate 2012, Capcom showed off some trailers for the PlayStation Vita version of Street Fighter x Tekken. The first one is a story trailer about […]


New Street Fighter x Tekken Cinematic Trailer

Akuma has always been a strong fighter in any one of Capcom’s Street Fighter games. It has been quite a while since he’s been highlighted in a unveiling or reveal. Capcom released a cinematic trailer highlighting Akuma, and reveals Ogre […]


Street Fighter x Tekken Impressions

I attended Capcom’s Fight Club event on Feb 2nd, and I got to play two versions of Street Fighter x Tekken; the Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 versions. A playStation Vita version is forthcoming after the launch of SFxTekken on […]


More Street Fighter x Tekken Videos

Girls usually don’t have a strong presence in fighting games. But Street Fighter x Tekken is different. It introduces a lot of ladies in battle. Capcom has never discriminated against ladies in gaming, SF x Tekken is no different since […]


Street Fighter x Tekken Gem System explained

The Gem System in SF x Tekken is a mode where you can mix a total of 4 or 5 gems to create a combination of abilities. These abilities correspond to the gems that are in your disposal. For example, […]


Street Fighter X Tekken Gems System detailed

Capcom Senior Product Manager Matt Dahlgres sits down with X The Line host Andrea for an interview about the Gems System that will ship with Street Fighter x Tekken. Just remember, the game is still in development, and isn’t the […]


SF x Tekken gets some tease videos

Street Fighter x Tekken is longs way off from being released. Capcom was at a brazil event recently, and they teased 3 different trailers The first video shows a foot in some kind of saddle, a person’s red clothing, possibly […]


Street Fighter x Tekken Promotions

At Capcom’s annual Captivate event, Capcom hyped up characters that would be in Street Fighter x Tekken. Keep in mind, while they’re promotions, there’s a story to each one. First up, Kazuya and Ryu fights it out, while revealing that […]