Tag: call of duty project colossus | DestroyRepeat


New MW3 trailer!

Yesterday, I talked about the possibilities of the MW3 engine. There are 4 developers working on the game. And the trailer is…..HERE! These are confirmed: – Destructible environments. – New Killstreaks. I see machine guns used from a different angle […]


New information about the MW3 engine.

19 hours ago, it was revealed that the “reconstructed” Infinity Ward has upgraded the Call of Duty engine in a tweet. Robert Bowling made it perfectly clear that the engine goes far beyond that of the MW2 engine. We haven’t […]


New Modern Warfare 3 information

There has been a wealth of new information swirling around Modern Warfare 3 in the past week that its hard to keep track of what’s rumor, and what’s fact. I have been watchning quite closely, and keenly. So, I’ll break […]


Call of Duty: MW3 Confirmed!

There are 4 different companies working on COD MW3: A “reconstructed” Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games, Raven Software, and Beachhead Studios doing an content delivery service that may come to be known as Call of Duty Elite. [MW3Blog article] The game […]


Is BeachHead involved with Call of Duty Elite?

I have obtained more information about MW3 today. Two important information to know about. I’ll start with this Call of Duty Elite information that was leaked during yesterday’s big MW3 boxart reveal. [MW3Blog article] Lets start with backstory, shall we? […]


First MW3 images leaked?

Above looks like to be the world’s first glimpse of Modern Warfare 3’s logo. Many websites have been swirling with excitement over the new logo because it seems like COD and MW3 is undergoing a complete re-brand. The evidence is […]


First Details of Modern Warfare 3

Last night at Activision’s earnings call, the new C.E.O of Acitivision let out some information regarding the new Call of Duty, saying the game has a massive scale. [MW3Blog article] He said that the game will have epic action, a […]


New Call of Duty has a “massive scale.”

A few minutes ago, Activision C.E.O. in an investor call said that the new Call of Duty has a massive scale, and is deemed as a universe: “The creative excellence and sheer scale of the game we are making, and […]


MW3 is Project Colossus?

I am getting more and more confused than I was a year ago. In 2008 it was revealed that Bobby Kotick was interested in the idea of evolving Call of Duty into a Massively Multiplayer Online game. [source] But we […]