Tag: psvita | DestroyRepeat


GamesCom 2012 Street Fighter x Tekken Montages and Videos

GamesCom 2012 was this past week. The event took place between August 15th to 19th, so it’s actually on-going right now. Some people have gotten their hands on with the PlayStation Vita version of Street Fighter x Tekken. If you’d […]


New Street Fighter x Tekken Trailers for PSVita from E32012

Capcom recently posted at lot of Street Fighter x Tekken videos in light of E32012. The first video, Capcom re-uploaded a video that was posted, but it’s been re-uploaded for compliance with ESRB. Because, ya know, ESRB is very vigilant […]


PS3 and PlayStation Vita gets exclusive SF x Tekken characters

Capcom recently posted a video to unveil a huge announcement: PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita are getting exclusive characters solely for the PlayStation brand. The first reveal is Capcom’s own mascot, Mega Man. Now, this comes to Mega Man fans […]


January reveals new Street Fighter x Tekken recruits

Last month, Capcom revealed a bunch of new characters to the SF x Tekken roster. Capcom released a video revealing these characters. It starts off with Zangief, and Rufus taking the stage, Rufus goes crazy with his moves. Lili and […]


More Street Fighter x Tekken Trailers

In the last article, there were little teasers for SFxTekken. A few months ago, at the New York Comic Con, Capcom showed off some Street Fighter x Tekken videos. The first video is below: It starts out with Ken and […]


Hands On with PlayStation Vita

PlayStation Vita is the successor to the PlayStation Portable and PSP Go. Sony tested the market with PSP Go, it fumbled, it flopped so hard they had to discontinue it within 2 years of being on the market. With PlayStation […]