PS3 BO update is live, Annihilation activated, and 4th map pack? | DestroyRepeat


PS3 BO update is live, Annihilation activated, and 4th map pack?

Ahead of the July 28th release of Annihilation for PS3, and PC, Treyarch released a patch update. It’s quite a small one.

7/26/11 (Patch 1.11)
• Security updates.
• Support for Annihilation Map Pack (releasing July 28)
• Search and Destroy audio tweaks for planting and defusing.

Annihilation is activated in this update – the update actually implements the map pack well ahead of Annihilation’s release. [source] Rumors are floating around that the un-announced fourth Map Pack is also implemented in this update, possibly in conjunction with the release of Call of Duty Elite on July 15th.

Not only that, the release of Annihilation also activates Double XP weekend starting tomorrow. To see one of Annihilation’s maps, enjoy Hangar 18!

Enjoy Annihilation, folks!

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