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PSVita Borderlands 2 announced for the Vita!

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Active Member
During the gamescom press conference, Sony announced that Borderlands 2 would be coming to the vita!


Not a lot of information yet, but.... this was quite a surprise.

Never really tought the vita would be able to handle BL2, despise being very powerful. This will be great, if not just to show what the vita is capable of. That and killzone.

Will update when more info is released.





Well-Known Member
Huge deal. I played Borderlands 1 on PS3 and enjoyed it. I imagine Borderlands 2 will really pop on the Vita's screen. As long as it get's the attention it deserves it could be pretty awesome.


Mod Of Steel
I am so superstoked for this game. Enjoyed 1 and 2 immensely on the PS3, will enjoy it even more on the Vita because there I don't have to share the TV with the rest of the family and constrain myself to hours where my son won't see the carnage.

Totally awesome announcement. BL2 alone is reason enough for owning a Vita for me.



Active Member
This will push some more units. It will be nice if there is some exclusive content or vita features. Also this is published by the same company that does grand theft auto, max payne, skyrim, and fallout, so here's hoping for some more good things to come.

Edit: And Bioshock!


Well-Known Member
It's great news, but it's not a surprise. It's been hinted at for six months and as recently as 3 weeks ago.

Half of me wants this out this year, but the other wants it early next year to start the year rolling.


Active Member
It's great news, but it's not a surprise. It's been hinted at for six months and as recently as 3 weeks ago.

Half of me wants this out this year, but the other wants it early next year to start the year rolling.

I believe when it was announced they said it was in the lineup for this fall


Well-Known Member
GAAAAHHH FUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! GET IN!!!! I completely forgot about the possibility of this coming to vita i'm super excited and gearbox themselves are developing it and it's been in development for a while so quality should be assured and since I don't own a PS3 its a completely new experience to me so hopefully it does well and brings us a line of FPS games to follow.


I ain't sign up for that
GAAAAHHH FUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! GET IN!!!! I completely forgot about the possibility of this coming to vita i'm super excited and gearbox themselves are developing it and it's been in development for a while so quality should be assured and since I don't own a PS3 its a completely new experience to me so hopefully it does well and brings us a line of FPS games to follow.
This game is a lootfest that offers endless fun, you will not disappointed, it is has probably the best coop play in existence.


The Navy Guy
You know i am excited, i never played this on any console or PC. I played the crap out of Borderlands 1 during my 2010 deployment. Might just wait and pick this up for Vita down the road!

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