Call of Duty Ghosts “Extinction” Revealed | DestroyRepeat


Call of Duty Ghosts “Extinction” Revealed

As we count down to the launch of Call of Duty Ghosts, Activision is not slowing down their marketing efforts. After months of little teases, little hints, little leaks, Infinity Ward’s own answer to Treyarch’s Zombies is real. Activision and co. formally announces and reveals that Call of Duty Ghosts’ new mode is indeed called “Extinction.” Enjoy the new trailer…

Call of Duty: Ghosts will be available for current, and next generation consoles in November. The game will be available for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and PC on November 5th, while the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will ship at the same time – but they won’t be playable until November 15th and November 22nd, respectively.

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I've been writing about Video Games since 2001. I have become a well-known, recognizable name in the industry. I started in 2006, and has accumulated over 1 Million Users, and 4.5 Million Pageviews worldwide. I'll always be most passionate about this wonderful community.

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