Tag: call of duty:ghosts aliens | DestroyRepeat


CODGhosts Extinction “First Contact” trailer released

Call of Duty Ghosts’ aliens mode “Extinction” was recently revealed. Infinity Ward released a video on their youtube channel to reveal the opening cinematic trailer of the new aliens mode. Enjoy as 4 humans arms their weapons through the brink […]


GameSpot Exclusive: Surviving CODGhosts Extinction

Activision and co. has been busy preparing for the launch of Call of Duty: Ghosts. However, Activision gave GameSpot an exclusive interview. GameSpot got an exclusive interview with Infinity Ward and NeverSoft. The video gives an in-depth look at the […]


Call of Duty Ghosts “Extinction” Revealed

As we count down to the launch of Call of Duty Ghosts, Activision is not slowing down their marketing efforts. After months of little teases, little hints, little leaks, Infinity Ward’s own answer to Treyarch’s Zombies is real. Activision and […]


Following leaks, CODGhosts’ Extinction is all, but confirmed!

Activision, and Infinity Ward has been cryptic with their message delivery lately. It started as a leak from Achievements/Trophies database update. Shortly thereafter, more leaks ensued. Then, out of nowhere, Infinity Ward teased the Instagram fans with “Who are the […]