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PS4 PS4 First Impressions?

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Well-Known Member
So, those of you lucky enough to have got your hands on the PS4 at last...what are your first impressions?

Is it up to hype? What's good and bad so far? Finally, does remote play work properly over people's homes networks?


Well-Known Member
My room is above my living room on the second story. I remotely played madden with NO issues! I love it so far. Only been able to play KZ so far and madden. Definitely living up to hype.


Well-Known Member
My room is above my living room on the second story. I remotely played madden with NO issues! I love it so far. Only been able to play KZ so far and madden. Definitely living up to hype.

That piece of news has made my day. Thanks mate!


Well-Known Member
No problem! Runs smooth looks good. Definitely will be playing more tomorrow. But so far remote play is a YES.


Well-Known Member
So how is multiplayer over remote play, I hope there is no extra lag etc.?

Also is the "wobble" really noticeable?


Also is the "wobble" really noticeable?


Yeah has anyone with a PS4 tried doing that yet lol.


Retired Moderator
Spent a few hours with it now. Was able to log in to my account this morning, and I am so happy with how fast everything is. Trophies do not take 10 mins to sync anymore, going from game to dashboard is instant.


Active Member
If the wobble was a big deal, i'm sure some cheap stick on rubber feet would sort it! 1st world problems eh? :D


Well-Known Member
I'm envious of you PS4 owners. Sounds like a great console. I will get one when our finances are back in better shape….

Aside from minor stuff like the wobble (which to be honest, would bug me, but it's an easy fix as noted, so I'd do that), there's really not a lot I can see that a 2nd gen model would do for it. It's already small and quiet. So much better than the 1st gen PS3.

matt best

Active Member
Its quite obnoxious i have to be online to vuew my trophies hopefully that gets changed and therl servers have been overloaded today but i imagine thatll be cleared up pretty soon


Can anyone tell me if the game comms are better than the PS3 , i found that a big downside on the PS3 and we ended up using teamspeak instead

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