Killer Instinct Season 2 revealed | DestroyRepeat


Killer Instinct Season 2 revealed

At E3 2013, Microsoft revealed Killer Instinct 3 as a reboot as simply “Killer Instinct.” Shortly thereafter, Double Helix was acquired by Amazon. Then shortly thereafter, Microsoft chose Iron Galaxy to be the developer to take over the lead developers of Killer Instinct going foward. Double Helix and Iron Galaxy worked together in order to help Iron Galaxy lean the coding language behind Killer Instinct. The game engine underneath Killer Instinct was a proprietary one. Since the engine was custom, Double Helix gave Iron Galaxy the development schema. During E3 2014, Microsoft revealed the first trailer of Second Season. The trailer pits TJ Combo against Fulgore with a surprise to boot..

It lands on Xbox Live this Fall. Coooommmmbooo breeeaaaaaaaakkkkker!

About Carlos Morales

I've been writing about Video Games since 2001. I have become a well-known, recognizable name in the industry. I started in 2006, and has accumulated over 1 Million Users, and 4.5 Million Pageviews worldwide. I'll always be most passionate about this wonderful community.

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