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An idea for a future update

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So obviously we have gotten a couple of free updates added to Star Wars: Battlefront. The January Update gave us Raider Camp and new skins for Luke and Han. The February Update gave us Twilight on Hoth, the 'Ice Caves' survival mssion, a new outfit for Leia and they added Turning Point for the vanilla game. The March Update gave us Survivors of Endor and a new survival map on Tatooine.

Now, this idea that I have doesn't have to be the April, or May, or June, or even an update that's added in 2016. However, I believe this idea is very thought-provoking.

So what is my idea? Walker Assault/Supremacy/Turning Point on Yavin IV.

Obviously, Yavin IV is a well-known planet in the prequels, as it was the base of commands for the rebels against the Death Star in Episode IV. While it was only shown in the fourth episode, Yavin IV was incredibly important to the series.

Now, to the point of why it would be a great map for big team battle gamemodes. Yavin IV, while being a forest moon just like Endor, has a more humid and tropical atmosphere, while Endor remains coniferous and temperate. Yavin IV would be an interesting world to showcase in Battlefront because of how different it is to Endor. Endor maps, in my opinion, look beautiful in the game, but are almost clones of one another and don't have any real differences between the maps. Not only would Yavin IV be a different forest atmosphere, there would be a unique or original layout that isn't similar to Endor.

My thought is this: Have the Imperial side start in a destroyed clearing. A Star Destroyer flattened a large area in order to land, and the surrounding area has trees that are bent or destroyed. There's Imperial equipment everywhere, and there is one AT-AT, much like Endor. Ahead is a forest path that takes them to the first set of uplinks, which is a Rebel operation base. There could be a temple ruin situated within the forest, and tents and a base set up as well. After the first set of uplinks, the Imperials would move to my personal favorite, a large area with two large temples that are on either side. While it may seem obstructive, it provides visual cover for both sides, and the uplinks could be in the temples or one could be outside of the temple, with rubble around the edges and rock formations along the path. The final set of uplinks could be at the Rebel command center, where they launched the attack on the Death Star in Episode IV. My thought for this area is to have a base with certain elements from the Hoth base, but also add in a vehicle bay similar to that of what we see in Star Wars: Episode VII, where Han, Finn, and Chewbacca find the Resistance.

If the Imperials win, the AT-AT obviously blows up the rebel transport ship. However, if the rebels win, you get to watch as the Death Star explodes in space.

What would you add to this idea? What would you change? Please let me know what you think of this potential idea for a future update!


New Member
So obviously we have gotten a couple of free updates added to Star Wars: Battlefront. The January Update gave us Raider Camp and new skins for Luke and Han. The February Update gave us Twilight on Hoth, the 'Ice Caves' survival mssion, a new outfit for Leia and they added Turning Point for the vanilla game. The March Update gave us Survivors of Endor and a new survival map on Tatooine.

Now, this idea that I have doesn't have to be the April, or May, or June, or even an update that's added in 2016. However, I believe this idea is very thought-provoking.

So what is my idea? Walker Assault/Supremacy/Turning Point on Yavin IV.

Obviously, Yavin IV is a well-known planet in the prequels, as it was the base of commands for the rebels against the Death Star in Episode IV. While it was only shown in the fourth episode, Yavin IV was incredibly important to the series.

Now, to the point of why it would be a great map for big team battle gamemodes. Yavin IV, while being a forest moon just like Endor, has a more humid and tropical atmosphere, while Endor remains coniferous and temperate. Yavin IV would be an interesting world to showcase in Battlefront because of how different it is to Endor. Endor maps, in my opinion, look beautiful in the game, but are almost clones of one another and don't have any real differences between the maps. Not only would Yavin IV be a different forest atmosphere, there would be a unique or original layout that isn't similar to Endor.

My thought is this: Have the Imperial side start in a destroyed clearing. A Star Destroyer flattened a large area in order to land, and the surrounding area has trees that are bent or destroyed. There's Imperial equipment everywhere, and there is one AT-AT, much like Endor. Ahead is a forest path that takes them to the first set of uplinks, which is a Rebel operation base. There could be a temple ruin situated within the forest, and tents and a base set up as well. After the first set of uplinks, the Imperials would move to my personal favorite, a large area with two large temples that are on either side. While it may seem obstructive, it provides visual cover for both sides, and the uplinks could be in the temples or one could be outside of the temple, with rubble around the edges and rock formations along the path. The final set of uplinks could be at the Rebel command center, where they launched the attack on the Death Star in Episode IV. My thought for this area is to have a base with certain elements from the Hoth base, but also add in a vehicle bay similar to that of what we see in Star Wars: Episode VII, where Han, Finn, and Chewbacca find the Resistance.

If the Imperials win, the AT-AT obviously blows up the rebel transport ship. However, if the rebels win, you get to watch as the Death Star explodes in space.

What would you add to this idea? What would you change? Please let me know what you think of this potential idea for a future update!

Yavin, I like your idea. I think it cool

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