It has been a while since Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard King, and it has been a while since the last Xbox Games Showcase. This year, there is a lot of mystery around what Microsoft is planning, except that Microsoft announced during a podcast video, that Microsoft is set to release a new Xbox Series console SKU “soon.” Along with this Xbox Games Showcase livestream, Microsoft plans to unveil Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, which has recently been leaked via newspaper. Activision launched a website called to unveil Call of Duty: Black Ops 6’s story. Well, Microsoft is scheduled to host Xbox Games Showcase on June 9, 2024 at the following times…
- PT: June 9, 10am
- ET: June 9, 1pm
- BST: June 9, 6pm
- CET: June 9, 7pm
- JST: June 10, 2am
- AEST: June 10, 3am