Ever since COD4: Modern Warfare, KillStreaks has been the stable of the Call of Duty series. Killstreaks has revolutionized first person shooters in ways that we never thought possible, it’s impact has far reached beyond Unreal Tournament’s Rampages.
In Modern Warfare 2 the Killstreaks were expanded to be customized through only one custom killstreak reward setup. With MW3, this whole customization has been taken to a whole new level – allowing you, the player to customize three – that’s right 3 killstreak packages. They’re called Strike Packages.
The men behind Modern Warfare 3 have made a video explaining details about the Strike Packages. See for yourself…
Modern Warfare 3 is slated to be released on November 8th, 2011 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. Are you ready!?