Tag: zelda | DestroyRepeat


Nintendo reveals Zelda: Breath of the Wild at E32016

Nintendo did not have a E3 2016 conference, instead they had their own E3 2016 booth. Nintendo used the booth to focus on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Their E32016 booth is so big, that it’s like […]


I just wish Nintendo became third party.

Nintendo has always been known for its high quality video games. At the first glance, it’s easy to think that Nintendo is a hardware powerhouse, because of their success with Nintendo Entertainment System, Super NES, Nintendo 64, GameCube, the entire […]


CarlosX360’s E32009 Predictions

Everyone is doing predictions all over the internet. And I’ll be the last person on the queue on the road to E32009. Lost and Damned heads to PS3? Maybe Microsoft has a curse for having their exclusives jump ship? Sony […]