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Whats everyones awesome weekend plans. :)

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Well-Known Member
I just had an In N Out Burger.
It literally was an orgasm in my mouth.

As for tomorrow, I'm going to this Japanese Market and eat some Ramen.
Sunday when Sunday is for Sundaes!

I ate in n out 3 times in 10 days when I was in Cali, love that place!


Suck the weenie!
There will be a bicycle race in my city. The main street they will be riding on its literally in front where I currently live. So this weekend either I wake up very early and go out before the race starts or stay in and play GTAV on my xbox...I'm liking the latter lol.
There will be a bicycle race in my city. The main street they will be riding on its literally in front where I currently live. So this weekend either I wake up very early and go out before the race starts or stay in and play GTAV on my xbox...I'm liking the latter lol.
Haha. The latter sounds better to me. Lol.

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