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The Holocaust (Seeing in SB)

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Ok. Since I'm seeing mixed opinions on what they think are facts, I'm gonna tell you all what really happened.

Since the German government was weak in 1929-1930 due to the fact hat they were in national debt because of WWI. Hitler took this opportunity to riser in power. Previously, Hitler had written a book or two about how he would go about with the extermination of Jews.

When Adolph Hitler became fuhrer of Germany, he needed help. He spoke out to the Anti-Semitic newspaper editor, Julius Streicher. With his help, he converted many people into the anti-semitic party.

As someone said in the sb, Jews turned other Jews in. As harsh as it sounds, it's actually true. Jews would do whatever they could do to get on a good list with the SS officers.

When concentration camps and labor camps first started developing, they classified Jews differently. This was all part of the Nuremburg Race Laws. Here were the classification of Jews:
-Full Jew- All grandparents Jewish
-3/4 Jew- 3 Jewish grandparents
-1/2 Jew- 2 Jewish grandparents (these were called Mischlings)
-1/4 Jew- 1 Jewish grandparent. They were treated as 'Germans' until later on

If you were a full German (no Jewish grandparents) you would not be able to have any type of relation ship with a Jew. If you had even been dating a Jew, you would not be considered a German.

There is much more to The Holocaust, but these were the main things I saw being discussed in the sb.

And for those who are wondering, the Nazi symbol came from the Japanese alphabet. The symbol stood for power. Adolph Hitler just used it as the insignia for the Anti-Semitic party.

And just to let you all know, I DID NOT use any sources.


Well-Known Member
Great Thread. I believe you did use Wikipedia as your source. I love your detail on how you explained the thread. I believe you should explain more about how they were treated. You should explain how this all began and who caused this. You should also add more detail. It's a great thread, sir.


Active Member
Learn Some history Nazi Symbol is also an Indian Symbol for peace and glory, i guess it wasnt ment for peace for the jews

Daan The Maan

Well-Known Member
The Nazi Symbol actually meant 'Peace' and was mis read by Hitlers translater when he was choosing his symbol and you forgot to say how many were killed and it was about 2million


To all:
No this isn't from wikipedia, this is all just stuff I learned. And also, research the swastica. It does mean power in Japanese. Why do you think you can write it on PSN. And yes, I can go into much more detail about how many people were killed, which is approximatley 10,000,000 (common misconseption). To all that were wondering, 6 million JEWS were killed. Not in total. And yes, this isn't a forum for these types of things, but this topic came up in the ShoutBox. :y:


Well-Known Member
thats a good bit of general knowledge added to my historic brain, I love history, I learnt about Nazi Germany in 1st term this year


Active Member
mmm budda has a swastika on his chest sometimes in statues which means somthing like "may you prosper and have good fortune." if i remember rightly. Also the swastika (as a simbul) is about 2000 years old.



I'm pretty sure that the Holocaust didn't happen, right?

I've seen many webpages which say "PICS OR GTFO!" etc. when it comes down to the holocaust.

I heard that it was just a bunch of homosexual Jewish fags who went off and raped each other to determine who would be the leader. Pretty much a battle for supremacy :\



New Member
I'm pretty sure that the Holocaust didn't happen, right?

I've seen many webpages which say "PICS OR GTFO!" etc. when it comes down to the holocaust.

I heard that it was just a bunch of homosexual Jewish fags who went off and raped each other to determine who would be the leader. Pretty much a battle for supremacy :\

You sir are a complete moron, learn ur facts u fag
And for your info jews were taken in camps to do hard labor or die, they weren't fags ( no offense to you)
And there are fucking pics u idiot! look it up; heck go to a major city there is a monument of the holocaust in every major city and thre are pics there and trust me if you tell them they were all fags and that they were fucking eachother for supremacy, your not going to come home alive, at least i wouldn't leave you alive
Have a good day :roll:

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