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Need a sig please

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I am not photoshop inclined and I am wondering if anyone would be kind enough to make me one. All I ask is it have a Doombringer firing a chain cannon, My Name (StoneGullet) and Bloody Swords (<-- My Clan Name). I would be eternally grateful.


Active Member
I'm going to give sig making a try tomorrow so I will give it a try for you, can't promise anything though what size does it need to be? Btw blood eagle or diamond sword?


Diamond Sword completely forgot about that. I appreciate the attempt. 200x500 thats a usual forum requirement for sigs. It pretty much going to be for this forum only. I may leak it to others.


Active Member
sorry for the delay, had some unexpected work arise, if you want to go to this website and pick out a font that you would like me to use, or you can just tell me to choose whatever I want
. thxs



Active Member

How is that? Maybe if I took a little longer it could've been better but I am pretty tired. Also, there were no images of a dmb shooting. Give me a rate 1-5?


Active Member
looks good imo, the reason I havent made you one yet is that I'm still waiting for ron to upload the photos of the doombringer shooting that we took, so yell at him the next time you see him

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