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Do you judge people based on what kind of music they listen?

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New Member
It's wrong to judge people by their taste in music. Everyone has their own preferences. Earlier I was prejudiced towards rappers as I thought they were kind of loud and aggressive. But I was wrong.


New Member
No. I sometimes cringe internally at their tastes in music, but who am I to judge someone based on their personal preferences? I wouldn't want anyone to judge me based on what I like. Everyone's free to like what they like and dislike what they dislike.


New Member
While its clearly not correct as stated earlier.
People always jump to judgement and notice when someone fulfills a stereotype about themselves. Its human nature, and everyone does it. Recognizing when it happens is the key.


It's okay to make a little general judgment. But a broad one is far fetched. You can't fully judge someone on what they listen to because when it comes down to it, you don't know them.


Judge not lest ye be judged. I may not agree with someone's choice of music, and they may not agree with mine, but it's certainly not something to judge a person on. In fact, judging someone over anything is wrong.
I don't think anyone can deny such tendencies, since people's hobbies typically reflect a lot about their interests and personality. I can always sort of assume that people who listen to rap are aggressive (like me) and people who listen to classical are pretentious and stuck up. Most of the time I'd be right, heheh.


New Member
Absolutely not. Do people actually do this? I sure hope not.. I listen to everything. Rock, rap, country, etc. I love most kinds of music, it just depends on my mood.


New Member
I don't see how a type of music would correlate with someone's personality, so I never even thought to judge someone based on it. I myself listen to a lot of heavy metal and punk, and I'm not running around murdering people. Besides, it's not like music controls someone's actions, it's that person's fault.


New Member
I have to admit that it's not my personal habit, but I have known people that get irritated whenever I played Latin American Music it could be because they are Spanish speaking singers but I really like their music. Hence, I don't think I should let others' opinions influence my personal likes. To be more specific i'm a fan of Juanes and Enrique Iglesias. They are considered to be among the greatest Latin American performers of all time. yet they don't get the recognition they deserve. I personally don't judge people based on the type of music they listen to but I used to do it when I was a teenager mostly because I didn't think Justin Bieber was a good singer. It could have been jealousy! Who knows. hehe.


Well I would not say "judge" just because that kind of connotes something negative, but I would say that I make certain assumptions, and then go from there and work to prove them or disprove them based on how they act. Everyone does, though, and I think we are foolish not to recognize that. Stereotyping is not a good thing, but if you dress a certain way or listen to certain music, just know that people make assumption...always have and always will. Thanks for sharing.


New Member
Most people can listen to any kind of music being played on radio or TV. Others are selective which forces them to download and store the music in devices. You shouldn't judge somebody from what they listen to because other people are just interested in listening to the beats than what the song say.


I think that it is pretty much human nature to use what we see from everyone, including what they listen to, and make judgments and assumptions based on that information. So, that said, yes I do. I would like to think that I take other things more into account, but I guess it depends.


New Member
No, I don't judge them and I don't think anyone should, we're all free to listen to whatever we want and as long as we're not hurting anyone it shouldn't concern anyone whatever we are listening to.


New Member
I don't see any reason to judge because I'm not biased about what people do unless it's illegal, unethical, morally wrong in regards to my personal beliefs.

If someone wants to listen to some crazy/cool music that I'm not interested in, I wouldn't make fun of them. That's something that kids do in high school, we are adults and mature. I listen to the most random music, but stay away from things like country genre, church, and other genres like those.


I won't lie, I've done it, especially against those people who listen to kpop and metal, I don't have anything about those genres, but the majority of the people that listen to those genres are really crazy, for real, most of them are kids which makes it all even more annoying.


New Member
Totally! I'm sorry if that's considered a bit shallow, but I like to hang out with people with similar tastes to mine and every time that I come across someone who has very different tastes I tend to judge them a lot...


New Member
I know that's not something very cool to do, but I do it... It's stronger than me because I really love music and I want to be with people who also appreciate the same music that I do. But i listen to almost every genre, but the music has to be good, of course.

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