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PSVita Kilzone NGP in good hands

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Guerrilla Games' senior producer Steven Ter Heide has told GamerZines that SCE Cambridge Studio is developing the NGP version of Killzone, and not Guerrilla itself.

"Our sister studio in Cambridge is doing that," replied Ter Heide when we questioned him on the NGP version of Killzone earlier in the week.
"We've been working with them very closely for a couple of years now. They've been helping us develop actual Killzone content for all the games.

"We feel like the game is in good hands. We'll still oversee it because the universe is something we've built up, we know the war and the rules that have been established, but they're driving the development."


I'm a huge Killzone fan. I believe it can be great even though its not directly created by the primary Killzone developers. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
I read some Killzone 3 reviews that said one of its weakest elements was it's story. A good story is the only thing that I'd be worried about when giving it to a new developer so I don't think we have much to loose. To be honest, I found the gameplay more exciting in the Killzone series. I liked Killzone 2 and Resistance FOM because it required skill and patience to complete.


New Member
I played my friends copy of Killzone 2 but I just can't stand the controls. It just doesn't feel precise like most other shooting games. It's too difficult to aim.


Active Member

I'm a huge Killzone fan. I believe it can be great even though its not directly created by the primary Killzone developers. What do you guys think?

Look at the God of War games on PSP, they aren't developed by Santa Monica but they are still the same great and epic. All Guerrilla has to make sure of is that it's great no matter what wether it's like Killzone 2 and 3 that it's a FPS and plays the same or it's different like how Killzone Liberations is. And if it's going to use any of the NGP features wether mandatory or optional, Guerrilla should also make sure that they are really good, work and make you want to use them.


New Member
Guerrilla will probably keep a close watch on the development though, they wouldn't allow a bad game to be released espeially as Killzone is so popular on PS3.


Well-Known Member
Guerrilla will probably keep a close watch on the development though, they wouldn't allow a bad game to be released espeially as Killzone is so popular on PS3.
I'm hoping for the same thing from Naughty Dog with Uncharted NGP.


New Member
kz has been getting better and better ever since the first ps2 game (which honestly wasn't that great). after kz3 i can't wait to play the next one.


The Navy Guy
I read some Killzone 3 reviews that said one of its weakest elements was it's story. A good story is the only thing that I'd be worried about when giving it to a new developer so I don't think we have much to loose. To be honest, I found the gameplay more exciting in the Killzone series. I liked Killzone 2 and Resistance FOM because it required skill and patience to complete.

I felt the story was ok, Killzone 2 story was better i thought. I enjoyed the Killzone 3 multiplayer but had a lot of problems with the matchmaking. Kept ending up in games with 3-5 people, haven't played it in a few months but i know the developer is behind it and has been pumping out patches.


Well-Known Member
ya i believe its gonna be better than resistance but now we have some news of cod so im hoping somethin for tgs but its very less because of all the japanese game going to be announced

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