Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III has been rumored for a while now. It is the worst kept secret in gaming at this point. There are even leaks about Modern Warfare III. But, here at DestroyRepeat, we only deal with facts. Recently, the Call of Duty teams at Activision and Sledgehammer Games previewed Modern Warfare III with basketball players, but there was no leak coming from that particular event. Most of the playable monitors displayed during the event were screens of Modern Warfare II’s Season 4 update. But, despite that, during the event, Activision unveiled a new “Call of Duty” logo. The “Call of Duty” logo got a slight change. Then, there was a website update to go along with it.
The Call of Duty community hasn’t gotten a major update until Swagg and similar content creators got their hands on with a mysterious box. In this thing you call a “reveal,” there was no real information out of there, it was just a phone, and a mysterious hunt for more information. That video is embedded below…
The next day, Activision and Sledgehammer Games just went ahead with a teaser trailer. It’s not much of a reveal other than it being a teaser…
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III will arrive to retailers on November 10, 2023. No other information about Modern Warfare III is known so far.