Nintendo springs 2 surprise announcements | DestroyRepeat

Bayonetta 3

Nintendo springs 2 surprise announcements

Nintendo has been on fire recently with two Nintendo Directs back to back, the first one was a Xenoblade Chronicles 3-focused Nintendo Direct livestream, the second one was a third-party focused Nintendo Direct Mini livestream. Nintendo then, followed up with a collaborative livestream hosted by Ubisoft for Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope. Nintendo was not finished – they dropped two new videos to YouTube: The first video was a game announcement – Kirby’s Dream Buffet. I’m not completely sure what this game is, but it looks like a Fall Guys inspired game…

The next video was a release date trailer for Bayonetta 3…

Nintendo says Kirby’s Dream Buffet is scheduled for a Summer 2022 release. But we’re in the middle of July. Weird. Bayonetta 3, on the other hand is scheduled for October 28, 2022!

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