Less than 50% of players have reached level 10 in multiplayer | DestroyRepeat


Less than 50% of players have reached level 10 in multiplayer

A surprisingly low amount of people who have bought the most recent Call of Duty, Black Ops 3 have completed one of the first multiplayer achievements of reaching level 10

Only 47% of users who have played multiplayer have surpassed level 9. Now this is not that uncommon for gaming, a lot of people buy games only to play them a handful of times but Treyarch can’t be loving this stat – most of the people who bought the game don’t play it.


There are a number of reasons to why this particular Call of Duty title has low numbers.

  • New movement system/wall running – Black Ops 3 is the first CoD for a while a lot of people and the mechanics are very different to that of the Modern Warfare series.
  • Poor performance as one reddit user put it “I picked it up last night and have been getting wrecked”
  • Many people buy Treyarch games for zombies and campaign, not necessarily multiplayer

What do you think is the reason?

Source: Reddit

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