Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 2 Teased? | DestroyRepeat


Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 2 Teased?

Black Ops 3 has only just been released but Sledgehammer is now working on its next Call of Duty release.  Sledgehammer co-founder Glen Schofield mentions on his Twitter that he is so excited about its next “Call of Duty” game.

There really is not much news about the upcoming game, except that in Schofield’s Tweet, Sledgehammer has listened to gamers’ responses and had based the new game the way gamers wanted it to be. The developer plans to come out with an idealistic and heroic new game, but nobody really knows what this means.

Following the three year release cycle expect Sledgehammer’s next effort to be released in 2017.

Source: Yibada

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