Mercenary Multiplayer Playlist Likely to Appear in Black Ops 3 | DestroyRepeat


Mercenary Multiplayer Playlist Likely to Appear in Black Ops 3

“Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3” is likely to revive the Mercenary Moshpit playlist that panders to those that prefer to play Activision’s multiplayer shooter without a clan of experienced veterans.

The news comes to Design & Trend via a recent tweet from “Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3” design director David Vonderhaar. While his words don’t totally confirm the playlist will be available, there’s a heavy suggestion that it might be.

The statement came when one of Vonderhaar’s followers pondered the possibility of Mercenary Team Deathmatch or Mercenary Demolition playlists being added to the final game. Much to the fan’s surprise, the Activision employee replied “probably … as long as the population is healthy enough to support good matchmaking results.” Essentially, should enough people demand the return of Mercenary modes, they’ll likely be added to the final assortment of multiplayer options.

For those that never took advantage of the Mercenary Moshpit playlist made popular in the previous Black Ops title, it cycled combatants through matches where teams are completely randomized. This atmosphere provided a special advantage to those that don’t play “Call Of Duty” with a group of friends or a clan. Instead of having one handpicked team of skillful players wasting away those with less experience, the talent was inadvertently spread out.

It’s also worth noting that randomized teams also helped reduce headset chatter too. For folks that didn’t want to hear their teammates screaming through their TV speakers, Mercenaries maps offered a fair amount of peace and quiet.


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