At the Multiplayer Reveal event that Activision hosted on August 14th, Infinity Ward took the veil off their new game modes – one of them was CODGhosts’ Squads Mode. Not a whole lot was revealed about the new mode other than that you can either take a co-op partner with you in a Squad, or take your AI-controlled bots with you in a squad, and/or both. Call of Duty Ghosts’ Squads mode will also allow you to include the likeable “Call of Duty Dog” named Riley. Today, Activision and Co. released a new trailer giving information on what CODGhosts Squads is, and what modes is under the Ghosts umbrella.
Call of Duty: Ghosts Squads will not only allow you to co-op in a squad, team with AI bots in a squad, but it will also allow you to play against these AI-controlled bots. Infinity Ward also offered up the game modes that will go under Squads:
Wargame – 6 Squad vs 6 Squad
Squad Assault – 6 Squad vs 1 slot (either co-op, or AI bots)
Squad vs Squad – 1 player vs 1 player with both having their own squad (“x” amount of squad members)
Safeguard – 4 players in a Survival Mode (think Spec Ops but with 4 players co-ops)
Call of Duty Ghosts will arrive on November 5th to PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and PC. The PS4 and Xbox One versions will ship to retailers at the same time as Current Gen consoles. But you won’t be able to play until November 15th, and November 22nd respectively.