Infinity Ward teases ‘Squads’ menu for Call of Duty Ghosts | DestroyRepeat


Infinity Ward teases ‘Squads’ menu for Call of Duty Ghosts

CODGhosts MP Reveal

Call of Duty Ghosts Multiplayer Reveal begins August 14th.

It hasn’t even been a week. It has been 5 days since Activision dropped the invitation to the gaming press – that a Global Multiplayer Reveal would take place. But Mark Rubin, the Excutive Producer at Infinity Ward uploaded a few seconds of CODGhosts’ menu, then it shows.. Squads.

It’s worth noting that Infinity Ward has been experimenting with the clan system since Modern Warfare 3, but wasn’t well executed. Treyarch’s Black Ops 2 was a little better, but still isn’t well executed, so hopefully, this “Squads” system takes the clan system and expands it.

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