Opening Night Live kicks off Gamescom 2021 | DestroyRepeat


Opening Night Live kicks off Gamescom 2021

It has been a while since the last Opening Night Live event. Microsoft hosted a Gamescom 2021 pre-show on August 24, 2021. In this livestream, Microsoft focused a lot on smaller, lesser-known games for Xbox One and/or Xbox Series consoles. It was a good showing from Microsoft, but players were disappointed about the pre-show. Here’s the livestream…

Gamescom is a yearly games expo that takes place in the heart of Germany. Gamescom this year will take place online on August 25 through 27 due to the COVID19 Pandemic. However, Geoff Keighley kicked off Gamescom on Wednesday, August 25, 2020. Geoff made game announcements and game reveals during his “Opening Night Live” event. That livestream is below…

Geoff said that Gamescom will return to the convention format in 2022. Stay tuned for more information about the in-person convention, and the online events in 2022 by Gamecom’s management here.

EDIT: The livestream, which was from an official Gamescom account, was taken down because… and I quote “This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.” So, I’ll replace it here with Geoff’s channel, which is also the also official livestream of Gamescom’s Opening Night Live 2021. Why are companies doing this? These are music done by companies, and used with explicit permission by the game companies!

Anyhow here it is…

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