‘Black Ops 2’ Die Rise zombies map details revealed | DestroyRepeat


‘Black Ops 2’ Die Rise zombies map details revealed

Some new details have been revealed on Jan. 17 regarding the Die Rise zombies map, which will be released as a part of the Revolution DLC pack for the recently-released multiplatform title, “Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.” According to a report from Autoomobile, the new map features an Easter Egg link to the Der Riese zombies map from “Call of Duty: World at War.”

  • It seems that Black Ops 2 may take place back in Germany and there could be four main regions of Tranzit, which were seen in Green Run.
  • T.E.D.D the robot driver makes another appearance, except that this time he is dressed as a farmer and he drives a cart. You can use this to explore the City, Village, Nuclear Plant and Railroad Station.
  • The gamer says that you can go back to Der Riese to undertake an achievement in the map pack. This is called “Where it all started” and here you need to find a giant. Interestingly in Germany Der Riese is a giant. This tells you that the Easter Egg is going to take players into the old map.
The Revolution DLC will be released first for the Xbox 360 version of “Call of Duty: Black Ops 2” on Jan. 29. It will be priced at 1,200 Microsoft Points on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

Source Article from http://www.examiner.com/article/new-black-ops-2-die-rise-zombies-map-details-revealed

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