Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Coming March 19, Demo Available On February 21 | DestroyRepeat


Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Coming March 19, Demo Available On February 21

Today Capcom announced the release date for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for the Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS systems. The game will be arriving in North America on March 19, 2013 and will then release across Europe on March 22, 2013. For players who might not be able to wait that long, there will be a game demo available for download off the Nintendo eShop on February 21 for the Wii U and 3DS.

Additional information from Capcom reveal that the Wii U version of the game will have full online voice chat. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will also be available for digital download at launch for both the 3DS and Wii U.

In Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, players take on the role of a hunter sent to explore a settlement within the Monster Hunter universe, completing quests on their journey to seek and slay monsters while improving their skills and earning equipment upgrades. With many challenging monsters and over 200 quests, the latest addition to the series is set to be the most expansive offering to date. The game can be played alone, online (up to four players) on the Wii U system, or locally using up to four Nintendo 3DS systems or a combination of up to three Nintendo 3DS systems and one Wii U system.

A new trailer, new screenshots, and the final box art for the game can be found below.

Release Date Trailer



Source: Press Email

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