Black Ops 2 Xbox 360 title update fixes escort drone and dragonfly | DestroyRepeat


Black Ops 2 Xbox 360 title update fixes escort drone and dragonfly

Activision has released a title update for the Xbox 360 version of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.
The patch notes won’t be released until tomorrow, Treyarch design director David Vonderhaar said on Twitter, but we do know some of what it changes (thanks, MP1st).

It combats the Theater Mode UI error 226117 – always hated that one. It fixes the Escort Drone glitch, which causes it to attack its owner while under the map, and it combats the Dragonfire glitch which prevents it from deploying.

Oh good. Now the occasional Dragonfire that won’t deploy will hopefully stop Trolling me, he said.

Vonderhaar said Treyarch is working with Sony to address the PlayStation 3 version of the game, which some gamers have found crashes during matchmaking – this despite a recent update designed to fix the problem.

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