Call of Duty: Elite surpasses 2.3 million paid subscribers | DestroyRepeat


Call of Duty: Elite surpasses 2.3 million paid subscribers

Though Call of Duty: Elite hasn’t always hit the mark as the elite in-game multiplayer service – who could forget the launch disaster? – Activision has reported that the service has hit 2.3 million paid subscribers; well over the initial mark set last November.

At $50 a year, it’s quite intriguing that the service has jumpstarted the way it has. Elite reached 1 million paid subscribers in less than a month of Modern Warfare 3’s release, with 4 million overall users. Since, though, Activision has been constant in delivering a hefty dose of DLC from map packs to Spec Ops missions. The publisher has also tempted gamers into jumping on the Elite bandwagon by releasing past content to the general public well past the initial release; though that may not seem worthwhile for some, the community as a whole thrives on new content.

Though the 2.3 million paid, 12 million overall, subscriber mark after seven months of existence is impressive, DICE’s Battlefield 3: Premium service, a one-time fee of $50, is already breathing down Elite’s neck, having reached 1.3 million paid subscribers in less than two months. Activision, though, can anticipated a rise in numbers this fall when Black Ops II hits store shelves, which will definitely bring a new audience into play.

Are you a member of Call of Duty: Elite?  If not, what will make you jump on the train? Let us know by commenting below.

Source: [OXM]

via Call of Duty: Elite surpasses 2.3 million paid subscriber… | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 News | GameZone.

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