Tag: spartan | DestroyRepeat


More Halo Reach footage!

You want more intel on Halo: Reach? You got it! Bungie revealed the new and improved firefight 2.0 mode. Its a multiplayer match type that brings epic-scale Halo fights to yo’ face! Bungie’s not slowing down on revealing all they […]


New Halo: Reach video revealed!

Bungie’s been keeping Halo: Reach campaign under wraps for quite a while now, they focused more on multiplayer revelations in recent time, but at E32010, they took off the curtains on the single-player campaign of Halo: Reach. It shows off […]


Noble Team in Halo: Reach Fact Sheet

“Halo: Reach,” developed exclusively for Xbox 360 by acclaimed developer Bungie, is the blockbuster prequel to the best-selling Xbox franchise of all time. It represents the culmination of Bungie’s 10 years of experience crafting groundbreaking “Halo” games that have raised […]


Bungie documents Halo: Reach!

Its been a little while since Bungie launched the multiplayer trailer for Halo: Reach. They’ve gone an extra mile by talking about Halo Reach’s multiplayer beta which is going to drop in no less than week from now (May 3rd), […]