Tag: DestroyRepeat | DestroyRepeat


DestroyRepeat reaches 2,000 posts

Hello ladies, and gentlemen, my name is Carlos Morales, I’m the person who acquired DestroyRepeat in 2015. DestroyRepeat.com was a website that originated as a TitanFall website. I fell in love with what DestroyRepeat was, what it represented, and how […]


CallofDutyBlog.com is closed

Hello, everyone, my name is Carlos Morales. It’s time I introduced myself. I purchased CallofDutyBlog.com on April 13, 2017. I tried restoring the database/files exactly as it was, but after many unsuccessful tries, I said to myself “Screw it, let’s […]


Welcome to DestroyRepeat 5.5

I’ve been working on an idea for a while now. It is time to move DestroyRepeat past this whole idea of keeping it as a forum by itself. It hasn’t been working for me for a while now. That’s on […]


CODNet will move to DestroyRepeat.com in December

I’ve been thinking, reflecting, and planning this for a long time. I bought CallofDutyBlog.com to eventually merge into this site, but as I was trying to restore the site over to my server, I went through several layers of issues. […]