Tag: callsigns | DestroyRepeat


MW2 DogTags?

One of the most popular features about Mortal Kombat is the ability to pull off a “fatality,” a “babalities,” a “animality” and a “friendship.” One feature that is underrated in MGS2 is the ability to collect dogtags. Now, the question […]


Abundance of MW2 videos and info!

There was a huge Media event hosted by Infinity Ward. They took off the curtains on Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer to the members of the press. GameTrailers were there to capture some of the gameplay footage. Capture the Flag Gameplay: […]


Second MW2 Multiplayer Video!

I posted the first multiplayer video, and I have posted some video leaks, and now I am posting a video straight from Infinity Ward: The following analysis is being used with permission from iKon (True Talent Leader): – My first […]