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Pictures of me, and other things when I decide to post them.

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Rainbow Deluxe

Duchess of All Things Pretty and Music
I see cleavage.....
....I like....

And I'll point out I think you're a lot prettier without your glasses, so...you know, get contacts.

Oh, don't worry. I think I look prettier without my glasses too. BUT I recently had an allergic reaction to the contact solution I was using, so I can't wear my contacts until my eye stops being puffy. :/

Rainbow Deluxe

Duchess of All Things Pretty and Music
....Thats awkward. You should get a different contact solution.

Oh, I do. This unfortunately isn't the first time I've had this eye infection. I can't ever use the same solution for longer than like, 6 months. :/ Thankfully I can reuse one if I haven't used it in a while.

Yeah, yeah. I know. I have weird allergic reactions. >>


Well-Known Member
I agree some women look better with glasses. I don't think she is one of those women, though.
So go get contacts, screw allergies!


KNOW WHAT?!? I don't care what you think. >.> She's my girlfriend, and I have a fetish for glasses. >.>


Well-Known Member

KNOW WHAT?!? I don't care what you think. >.> She's my girlfriend, and I have a fetish for glasses. >.>

Sucks for you, considering she already said she agrees with me. You know what will cheer you up? Some spearmint gum, that's right....chew away, tiny dancer.

Rainbow Deluxe

Duchess of All Things Pretty and Music
Because I need new pictures. >>







Well-Known Member
You can look INTO the camera sometimes. >.>

Very beautiful as always. :] Last one is my fav, followed by the first then third ones.

Btw: You DO look great with black hair.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Chris, the last one is the best, and props for the contacts.

....I have a question for the both of you though. If you get married......will I be invited to the wedding? Be careful! Whether or not you remain awesome rests with this....choose wisely.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Believe it or not, we've discussed marriage before, NOT BETWEEN THE TWO OF US, that's too fuggen early, but just in general conversation.

I don't want to get married for the soul fact that I don't believe a legal title should show how much I love a person.

She wants to get married, because she'd love the wedding party thing, and everyone knows at a wedding the girl is supposed to be the star. >.> :p

Though, I dunno if we'll do it, only time will tell. If I decided to do it, it'd be for her. If we do though, YOU'RE ALL FUCKING INVITED AND BETTER ALL SHOW THE FUCK UP, BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T WE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN... and kill you. :)

Good day.


Sacrifice Theory
If you guys did get married, I'd totally do all that is within my power to be there. That's how much I love you guys. <3

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