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Noob friendly : How to decryp EBOOT and t5mp_ps3f.self with downloads of ELF files

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Well ive seen some really annoying threads in the BO section asking for really dumb stuff so this thread will clear it up for people who cant really google something. So basically im going to show you how i decrypted my EBOOT.BIN/t5mp_ps3f.self to an .elf

Note some images may be fucked up due to puush being shitty.

So the tools i use.

2. DEBUG 1.02 BLUS30591
3. Command Prompt

What is PKG GUI?

Well i dont know much about it myself so i cant go through the technical stuff but what this program allows you to is decrypt the EBOOT.BIN to an .ELF format. Then REMAKE the ELF to a .BIN again. Using either the 3.55 Keys or 3.41 depending on what ps3 you go. So lets start of with the download link

Download : pkg gui.rar

Once downloaded just extract on the desktop in a folder like so


Just a simple drag and drop operation. Easy enough?

Well now thats done lets get the BLUS30591 DEBUG patch where we only need 2 things. "2". So lets get the download link

Download : BLUS30591-Debug-1.02.rar

Right now lets go into the contents. Open the rar file. Go to BLUS30591 > USRDIR and take out the EBOOT.BIN and t5mp_ps3f.self from there and drag in the PKG GUI folder like so


Well we got everything we need now so lets show you how to decrypt eboot.bin

Open and run PKG TOOLKIT GUI.exe and then a program like this will open


Now in the first box click browse and pick up your EBOOT.BIN like so


Right now thats done lets go to the next box and click browse and just type EBOOT.ELF and click open like so


Once done that click BUILD then voila the EBOOT.ELF is there. Like so


So anyway thats how to do the EBOOT Now lets go on the t5mp_ps3f.self

With this its slightly different. We just basically use CMD instead of the program.

Open up command prompt via windows button + R and type cmd like so


Then click okay. Once done go to the directory of the PKG GUI folder. Do this by going into the folder and at the top get the address. Like so


Once done that copy it and type "cd" without " in CMD and paste the address like so


Now were at the right place. Now type unself t5mp_ps3f.self t5mp_ps3f.elf

Like so


Now we got t5mp_ps3f.elf :D YAY. Easy as 123 :D

Now lets go on how to put it together. this is simple. Reopen the toolkit exe file and on the second row of boxes open up the EBOOT/T5MP ELF file and then on the output area just type EBOOT.BIN (Place it in a diff folder though) Dont want it overwriting previous 1. Like so (im doing eboot.bin)


Now we've done that we need to change the content id. Which is simple change the ABCD12345 to whatever region code. Mine is BLES01031 so ill do that. Then on the end where it has 00-0000111122223333 just change the last digits to your name. Ill do xRaW

Like so


Well once that is done click Build then we have our EBOOT.BIN remade with our mods in. Ofcourse i aint telling you how to add mods cause theres already a thread for that. But thats for some people who cant do it there self.

Decrypted Elf files already made

Ive been seeing a lot of question which quite frankly are getting on my nerves and just showing how much ignorance the users of NGU have. So this thread will have the two things you need. The decrypted EBOOT.BIN > EBOOT.ELF for SP/Zombie Binds/Mods

And the decrypted T5MP_PS3.SELF > T5MP_PS3.ELF decrypted for multiplayer mods.

I dont have the offsets replaced in these so do it yourself located Here

So here they are to download

t5mp_ps3.elf : t5mp_ps3.elf


Do not ask what region they are cause it doesnt matter. When you make it into EBOOT.BIN you will choose the region. So theres all your answers for the lazy people.

Credits: Choco for tut
Whoever had that thread with the debug 1.02 rar file.

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