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Hey guys and gals, as you can see I am Runemaster117.

About me: I used to moderate the Destinyhub.net page as well as co-lead their guild, the Destiny Pub. I still am, the site is just having a ton of issues here so I am making the jump to here to see if I can get a new start. If this could be the new home of the Destiny Pub I wouldn't see it as a problem. I'm a writer, a musician, and an aspiring Mechanical Engineer. Im actually in the process of writing an ongoing fan fiction based on my main destiny character than I will be playing. I am hoping to be an active member in your community and look forward to meeting some of you.


Active Member
Great to have you here, @Runemastr117! What's the Destiny Pub? Feel free to shoot me a message & I'd be glad to help you get it started over here!

Excited to have you here, and I can't wait to hear/see what Bungie has planned at E3 for Destiny!
The Destiny Pub is a guild I and another member co-founded. we're about 20 members strong with an active core team of 5 or 6, Colmarr included. It's a tavern themed guild and we have all sorts of fun. For most of my members, we communicate our shenanigans in the CHATBOX (Wink Wink), while most serious game discussion is made in the forums. it creates an overall atmosphere of friendship and ease of communication.


Active Member
It's going to be interesting to see how Bungie handles guilds/clans and whether there's in-game support for it.

At the moment, I hope that there's not. I'm currently in groups for the Destiny Pub, Guardians of Destiny (the podcast), Guardian Recon (a group devoted to creating a Destiny 'travel guide') and Guardian One ("Guardians helping Guardians").

If Bungie formalises clans, they might lock us into only one like WoW guilds.
While the "One Clan To Rule Them All" Guild set up is my favorite, a great twist that Warframe put on it is the formation of Alliances. In this way, a bunch of Shadow (30 member) and Ghost (10 member) clans can team up to take on Moon Clans (1000 member) in Contested Territory, Perhaps we can expect something along these lines.

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