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Hello few people who will actually read this =D

Welcome to Destroy Repeat

We are the gaming and tech community for you


Well, I've had a Vita since Feb. 15th, bought the FE bundle from Gamestop. It has already become my third favorite portable of all time, and I hope it can at least be an equal to the GBC one day. I've been gaming for over 15 years now, I own every current gen system and quite a few old, and as you might expect, I am passionate about the greatest form of entertainment in the world ;)

I am looking forward to getting to know you all(except Buramu, already know him :p) and I hope to add some of ya so we can play games on the awesomeness that is the Vita.


Mod Of Steel
Welcome in these here parts. Good to see another familiar face and 3ds+vita owner show up here!


Suck the weenie!
Welcome to the forum sir.
May you enjoy your stay,
please do take as many crumpets as you want!
The tea shall be in the table.


Welcome buddy!

How far back does your gaming collection go?

Well, the oldest system I have is the Atari 2600('77, I believe), and the second oldest system(or game, as it may be) is the original Game & Watch Donkey Kong, which came out back in '82. These are more just to have though. The oldest system that I still play a good amount of is the SNES. It's probably my favorite console, and I truly think that the 16-bit era was the golden age of video games. I still love games now though. Especially Demon/Dark Souls =D

Thanks for the welcomes everyone.


Well-Known Member
Well, I've had a Vita since Feb. 15th, bought the FE bundle from Gamestop. It has already become my third favorite portable of all time, and I hope it can at least be an equal to the GBC one day. I've been gaming for over 15 years now, I own every current gen system and quite a few old, and as you might expect, I am passionate about the greatest form of entertainment in the world ;)

I am looking forward to getting to know you all(except Buramu, already know him :p) and I hope to add some of ya so we can play games on the awesomeness that is the Vita.

Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!

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