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PC Hell Bound Soldiers Recruiting for Titanfall!

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Hell Bound Soldiers (HBS) is a very big and active clan now recruiting for Titanfall! This clan is now 9 years old. We support Ghosts, Minecraft, DayZ, RUST, Guild Wars2, WoW, and now Titanfall! And We are looking for lots of new people to join for Titanfall!
- We are a USA based Clan and We speak English, although we do have some people from various countries
- http://hellboundsoldiers.org/index.php Just go to the website, Register, and Apply!
- We have a public TS and the ip is ts.hellboundsoldiers.org Come on in and join us!
- We are a mix of both Casual laid back gamers and Competitive Gamers!
- We are a military rank based structure!

Please add me on Origin at SpeedYz1
my Steam is SpeedYz317

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