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Have you ever been scammed?

Welcome to Destroy Repeat

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Active Member
I have been scammed once by Bri (a former GeneticHax admin) he was selling me a 3.15 PS3 for $100 free shipping, well i guess i was being stupid and actually baught a ps3 for such a low price. I ended up not getting my money back and him getting banned/demoted.

So Have You Ever Been Scammed?


Well-Known Member
i'v been scammed $60 i baught a HDPVR and it was free shipping and he never sended the HDPVR, i got him banned from most site he was on. :lol:
yea i got the $60 from some one who is really helpful


Active Member
i have never been scammed before, i know how scammers are
and probably will never be scammed :troll:

You Just Gotta Think Before You Act :y:

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