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Halo Promod

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Halo Promod mods the game to make it more competitive and overall more enjoyable to play. The main gametype is the "Classic" variant which features BR starts, no sprint, and no radar.

The BR is a 4sk and grenades are modified to have smaller splash damage but overall do more damage in the center of the explosion. This makes grenades take more skill to use effectively while also cutting down on undeserved hit markers when nading around corners.

The movement is also more akin to that of Halo 2/3 making it a fast paced experience. This includes the strafing, which is very crisp and responsive on these settings.

You can find the entire change log on the Promod website.

Overall, there are many people unhappy with Halo 4 and this is an attempt to try and resolve that. The game has a lot of potential to be great but the developer doesn't see it and instead of waiting around 6 months for a patch modders have taken it into their own hands.

The recently released v2 settings can be found in Halo Promod v2 fileshare and if you want to get in on some custom games send that gt a friend request.

Follow on twitter to get updates on the status of this project like when the updated settings will be released as well as when custom game lobbies are hosted. https://twitter.com/HaloPromod

I hope you guys enjoy this!

Here is a vid of the gametype in action:

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