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Blantant Ignorance on Microsoft's part.

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New Member
Well I am seeing news stories floating around the internet pertaining to the internet connectivity. I guess one of the Microsoft big-wig's told a news source, "People who do not have an internet connection should stick with a 360."

I personally think that this statement is career suicide, what better way to make yourself look more ignorant. I don't think that statement made was professional in the least bit, and I believe this puts another nail in the coffin for Microsoft stellar PR abilities, because it seems they are on there own marketing program. In my last economics course I believe that demand is created by the consumer, but I think Microsoft has forgotten that.

Microsoft is slowly ruining there reputation, and need some sort of corporate PR reshuffle.

- Source

Blue Flare

Well-Known Member
"People who do not have an internet connection should stick with a PS4 or Wii U."

Or at least that's how it sounds like to me.

They really want to go through with this and it sucks. They showed games at E3 all right. The only problem was that only Titanfall interested me. With their stupid unfriendly policies; I'd say they lost E3.


New Member
"People who do not have an internet connection should stick with a PS4 or Wii U."

Or at least that's how it sounds like to me.

They really want to go through with this and it sucks. They showed games at E3 all right. The only problem was that only Titanfall interested me. With their stupid unfirendly policies; I'd say they lost E3.

I think the problem is that Microsoft is trying to tackle all these things. There focus is on multimedia center and gaming system, If I want that I will go buy a media server or something (Apple TV)

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