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Are You Going To Upgrade To IOS7 Right Away?

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New Member
I am still on ISO 5.1 so I don't think I will be upgrading anytime soon unless I really have to. What about you guys? Will you be upgrading right away?


Definitely, if it comes out for the iPod Touch already! The new iOS looks very sleek and simplistic which I'm a huge fan of. It's about time they put out another theme, since the old one was getting a bit too boring. Hopefully, it's not just for the iPhone, and for all iOS devices! Here's a link if anyone is interested, or haven't checked it out yet.



New Member
I most likely will be. I'm one of those who likes to adopt things early and be at the cutting edge so to speak. Let's hope there's no issues with maps and such like there was with the previous update. I don't want my GPS driving me off a cliff!

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