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Recent content by zangetsukai

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  1. zangetsukai

    How to use the 3 Coins Xur | Exotic engram Farm

    Steps 1.Buy a bunch of Three of Coins packages from Xur. 2.Start the Scourge of Winter mission on its lowest difficulty. Equip Ice Breaker—if you have it—and a rocket launcher. 3.Run to the opening area, then kill all the Kellsguard. When Ghost says you have to go find the Kell, keep moving...
  2. zangetsukai

    How to unlock the sunbreaker subclass for titans | Destiny The Taken King

    Quest for the sunbreaker subclass for the titans in destiny the taken king will not be available for you unless you complete the first mission of The taken king in mars The coming war. Then go back to the tower and Zavala will hang you the sunbreaker's Challenge after that go to the mission in...
  3. zangetsukai

    Destiny TTK 15 Killstreak Reign of Terror | Red Dead

    Thanks for the complement I think they should bring trials of Osiris after all we play for it on the house of wolves for really competitive play
  4. zangetsukai

    Destiny TTK 15 Killstreak Reign of Terror | Red Dead

    All i will say is that is easier then before to get this medals this is my second one this week i thougnt i will share it with you i got lucky right before that 14th kill
  5. zangetsukai

    to be honest soon i might have a good carrer in destiny

    to be honest soon i might have a good carrer in destiny
  6. zangetsukai

    Just heard about this forum Hello

    Hello my fellow guardians im looking foward to play with everybody psn zangetsukai im in NY time normally play at night on the weekend and during weekdays 12-2 please check my youtube channel as well i have a spanish accent lots fo ppl say im hilarios please and thank you guys...
  7. zangetsukai

    Looking for doing collab with other youtubers

    Looking for doing collab with other youtubers