Activision and Co. has been adamantly quiet about the first Call of Duty Ghosts downloadable content, but it couldn’t be helped when few leakers have attempted to unearth the first details of future DLC’s. That was, until one of the employees slipped up by revealing the name of the 4 DLC’s of CODGhosts in an e-mail – Onslaught, Devastation, Invasion, and Nemesis. Shortly thereafter, they admitted that the names of the 4 DLC’s in a Season Pass trailer…
Once you buy the Season Pass, you get:
A Multiplayer map: Free Fall
4 Episodic DLC’s: Onslaught, Devastation, Invasion and Nemesis
Each will provide new episodic Multiplayer, and Extinction experiences.
Some will provide bonus weapons.
A Digital Pack: Team Leader (Player head, Reticle, Gun camo, Player patch, Player card, and Player background)
Few weeks later, Infinity Ward took off the veil of secrecy towards the first DLC. The first of the 4 downloadable content will obviously be “Onslaught.”
The new Multiplayer maps are:
Bay View
The new Extinction episode is:
Night Fall [Episode 1: NightFall]
The new CODGhosts weapon is:
Maverick A2 Sniper Rifle
Just a quick note: That Maverick A2 Sniper Rifle is actually a hybrid – you can use it as an assault rifle, or a sniper rifle.
Most recently, Activision and Infinity Ward revealed their new marketing strategy for Onslaught and subsequent DLC’s. The trailer takes a page out of Christoper Nolan’s latest film “The Dark Knight Rises.” Titled “CODNapped,” the trailer is about a team of CODNappers rescue fans give them more “Call of Duty Time.”
Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Onslaught arrives to Xbox 360 & Xbox One owners on January 28th.